SoMo :: SoundMove into Autumn Retreat September 13-15th 2024

Welcome fall with every cell of your body in rest and movement mode.

Let the late summer sun gently tickle you and welcome the darker season with breath, movement and sound in a lush nature retreat.


Come if:

🍂 you are looking for a place and time to slow down and attune to your body mind and soul

🍂 your heart is longing to open more by letting go of summer, integrating its experiences and letting new nourishment in

🍂 you are craving for feeling through the layers of consciously transitioning into the season of the organism you live in / with: Earth

🍂 you value the power of expressing and integrating in community through Singing, breathing and dancing together

🍂 you enjoy communing with your inner world through Sound journeys and Trance Dance

🍂 you love time in and with the Lake, Forest, Outside Fire and Sauna

🍂 you need to get out of the city and into nature with a bunch of human animals that share similar interests

This is going to be a profound and earthy-connected transition into Fall(ing) to what’s to come!

Facebook Event

Friday, September 13th 2024

16:00 Slow arrival and settling in, short welcome round

18:00 Dinner

20:00 Opening

Saturday, September 14th 2024

9:00 – 9:45 Breakfast

10:00 – 13:00 Morning Delight

13:30 Lunch

15:00 – 18:00 Afternoon dive

18:30 Dinner

20:00 Evening Charms

Sunday, September 15th 2024

ecstatic morning walk in the forest

late breakfast

surprises to go

16:00 Farewell


We will be traveling to a beautiful secluded retreat location on the edge of the forest zwischen Berlin und Potsdam directly on the lake. After your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with all the details.


We serve delicious vegetarian dishes prepared by one of our favorite chefs of heart: Johannes

Hosts & Artists


is an experienced teacher and master of ceremonies who has been guiding people toward more embodiment, voice and aliveness since 2007. She studied dance, improvisation and performance, teaches contact improvisation, and founded and facilitated the “ScoreJAM Berlin”. She led singing circles and ceremonies, gave concerts, married people as a “Priestess of Wild Hearts and Free Self-Love” and founded the “Earthmothers”, a journey for women without children, as well as “At.tune”, a learning retreat around the exciting nervous system.

Since pausing her main regular Conscious Dance ceremony “AbunDance” in 2023, she has focused on 1:1 coaching and ceremonies in person and online, where she brings her expertise as a newly certified VITA coach for sex, love, and relationships. Anir encourages an open heart, an inquiring mind, and freedom and aliveness.

More Infos:


the didgeridoo artist and teacher started his musical career in the children’s choir of the Deutsche Oper Berlin and discovered the didgeridoo as a bass player in 1992. Since then, he has played in many bands and solo projects and developed his approach to the didgeridoo.

He has had numerous appearances and workshops at festivals, didgeridoo and corporate events worldwide, at trade fairs and on radio and television. To name a few: Berliner Symphonics, Staatskapelle Berlin, Pop Meets Classic, Klangzeit Festival, Fusion Festival, Love parade, Thomas Cook, MTV Select or the official opening of the 12th IAAF World Championships.
The trained body psychotherapist has been passing on his knowledge as a teacher since 1994 and has published several articles on the subject of didge playing.

In addition to rhythmic singing, which is used in jazz and in various cultures around the world, Marc also uses modified mouth percussion techniques for the didgeridoo such as “beat box” (mouth drums). He owes his particularly percussive and powerful playing style to the pulse of his home city of Berlin.


Trance Dance Facilitator
Integral Coach
Qualified in trauma psychotherapy
Occupational therapist specializing in mental health problems

About me:
For me, trance dance is one of the most wonderful ways to combine spirituality, our psyche, meditation and movement. For over 10 years I have been intensively involved, also professionally, with the human psyche and what moves people in their depths.

Through my work in the therapeutic field, I regularly come into contact with people’s deep longings. I was able to experience that all answers, all solutions and all healing are already within us. For me, trance dance is one of the most beautiful ways to uncover this knowledge that resides within us. If unexpected or overwhelming things come up in your dance, I am happy to offer you my years of experience in the therapeutic field and in trauma work.